High up on the slopes of Mount Chimera in Yanartaş Turkey is an eternal flame, fueled by underground gasses of the Earth, but some believe it to be that these flames are really just remnants of the mythological Chimera’s fiery breath.
At the heart of the Chimera legend is a creature of Greek mythology, a beast with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and a serpent for a tail, and according to ancient tales this mythical monster used to lurk on the mountain, terrorizing the lands and striking fear into anyone and everyone who crossed its path. To combat the creature's fiery breath, the hero, Bellerophon, with his Pegasus, went out on a quest to kill the Chimera. With bravery, Bellerophon succeeded in slaying the Chimera.
Within the rocky terrain of Mount Chimera are vents that emit natural gas, creating a phenomenon known as the eternal flames of Chimera. These flames, that have been burning for over a millennium, cast a bright glow upon the mountain's surface, giving faith to the ancient tales of a fire breathing monster.
While the legend of Chimera may be a myth, the phenomenon of the eternal flames are a real thing. The fires on Mount Chimera are the result of methane gas seeping through cracks in the earth's crust and igniting upon contact with oxygen. This natural process, known as spontaneous combustion, sustains the eternal flames, creating a spectacle that has fascinated scientists and visitors alike.
Methane is a byproduct of organic matter decomposition. It accumulates in underground pockets, and this gas seeps through porous rocks to the surface. Once it encounters oxygen, a chemical reaction occurs that produces heat and ignites the methane, making the flames. The geography of Mount Chimera, and its abundance of methane rich rocks and fissures, creates the ideal conditions for the phenomenon to occur.
The eternal flames in Mount Chimera hold a special place in Turkish folklore and culture, and for centuries, locals have deemed the mountain as a sacred site, attributing mystical powers to the flames that adorn its slopes. Pilgrims and travelers from all over the world make the journey to Mount Chimera, seeking solace, inspiration, and a glimpse into the realm of ancient legends.
Despite the remote location and rugged terrain of Mount Chimera, its attention comes from conservationists and environmentalists eager to protect its natural beauty. Efforts to preserve the site and minimize human impact aim to ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at the wonders of the mystical mountain.
Mount Chimera and its eternal flames stand as a testament to the power of myth and the natural wonders of the world, viewed through the lens of ancient legend or scientific inquiry, this mystical site continues to captivate the imagination and ignite the spirit of exploration in many.