Let's admit it, 2022 didn't start off too bright. With the loss of a..
If you have been anywhere online, whether it be Facebook, Youtube, or even simply..
The internet. It's a thing that exists. And anything that exists on the internet,..
Everyone knows Youtube. Everyone probably HAS Youtube. If I took a shot-in-the-dark guess, you're..
If you're anywhere around the anime scene, you must've heard of the popular anime..
Ah, animation. A medium so revolutionary in entertainment that it opened the door for..
Lost Media; What is it Exactly? Within each industry, (usually the movie and entertainment..
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Gaming over the years has developed not only new genres and fan..
Say you're at your local bookstore with your friends. How about Barnes and Noble?..
As of recently, the kids' show market has always been the same. The same..