Latin Americans Travel to the U.S. in Search of Vaccines

As vaccines for the Coronavirus are being distributed to the general public, everyone is scrambling to ensure that they’ll be safe from this dreadful pandemic.

Latin Americans have been confirmed to be flying the United States of America due to the lack of vaccines in Monterey, Mexico, taking shuttles and rented cars in the U.S to arrive at nearby vaccination sites.
ABC News confirmed that Mexico officials weren’t able t0 receive enough vaccines for the public. Those seeking protection from the disease are coming to the U.S, in order to avoid any wait for vaccine arrival in the Latin American countries.

Virginia Gónzalez claimed that she and her husband took a plane to Texas. The couple then took a bus to a vaccination site. Mr. & Mrs. Gónzalez traveled for a total of 1,400 miles just to get vaccinated.

Famous figures from Television have also been flying to American with the same goal as others. Mexican television host Juan José Origel made a tweet discussing his recent vaccination in Miami around January. Yanina Latorre (Argentina TV Personality) also arrived in Miami to get vaccinated with her mother.

According to the Toronto Star News, 25/50 of states in America have decided to accept any proof of residency and/or identification with just a photo.

Some Latin Americans have companions in the U.S that assist them in finding any vaccination sites. Some of them borrow an American address, while others already have somewhere to live in America.

After losing her mother to COVID-19, a Monterrey dentist named Alejandra got vaccinated in Texas. She states that a couple of Latin foreigners are taking advantage of American taxpayers for vaccines, but Alejandra cares for her family as she’s trying to protect them.

As stated by the Florida News Times, pharmacists in the U.S are giving vaccinations because all they want is in the best interest for the public.

Chris Van Deusen (Spokesman for the Texas Department of Health) claims that vaccines in Texas are “intended for people who live, work, or spend a significant amount of time in Texas”.

Ernesto Ortiz, senior manager of a vaccination program from Duke University’s Global Health Innovation Center, is tracking for worldwide distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. Countries such as Peru only had 2% of its population vaccinated, meaning that people have grown desperate when it comes to surviving the pandemic.

The coronavirus vaccine has become humanity’s greatest solution to enduring the disease that has spreaded across the globe. It’s no wonder why the citizens in Latin America are coming to the United States. It’s times like this that we all must make decisions that can help save our lives, for the good of both ourselves and our families.

Photo courtesy of Nick Youngson, Alpha Stock Images, via Creative Commons License