A few days ago I tested positive for COVID and was sent home to quarantine. I was stuck with nothing to do and I’ve actually noticed the amount of hours, minutes, and seconds there are in a day.
I got so sick of being in the same room all day I tried to change it up and switched around all of the furniture and rearranged the books in the bookshelves by alphabetical order. And because alphabetical order isn’t satisfying I organized them by height.
Anyways here are five things to do if you find yourself in this exact situation and you’ve run out of things to organize.

1. DIY Dreamcatchers: All you need is a keychain ring and some string and beads. First you wrap the string around the keychain ring. After you have wrapped the string all around the ring you use the extra string to create a design, and then you can add the beads or however you want to.

2. Pick Up The Old Board Game: If you’re quarantining with your siblings or family you could bring out the old board games. It's a great way to kill time and most importantly spend time with your family.

3. DIY Coasters: There are these really cool beads that you can iron and it takes up most of your day just trying to put the beads onto the molds. You can make coasters or any shape really but coasters in my opinion are much more useful.

4. Knitting: I know this sounds like old lady stuff but it kills time and you can knit while watching tv or any activity you want to do that doesn’t include your hands. And at the end you get something out of it, you could give it to someone as a gift, sell it on Etsy, or keep it.

5. Painting Memories: This sounds like a cliche but something I did was look for old pictures of things from my phone or an album and I would paint the picture like what I remember from that moment. This is a really fun activity where you have time to reflect and be grateful for the life you used to have. The picture I painted was of that one time I thought an electric pole was the Eiffel Tower.