Coronial Moms Struggle

 A new generation is coming up! The name? Coronials. 

Coronials are the babies born during Covid-19.

The mothers of these babies had it hard during the Pandemic. Due to covid there were a lot of policies that made these pregnancies feel lonely.

Policies for the OBGYN made giving birth very very lonely. 

The UVA University Hospital in Charlottesville, VA said that there was only one support person allowed in the room. That person was not allowed to leave and if they did they would not be able to get back in. 

You had to wear masks at all times, even while delivering.

While at the ultrasound technician no visitors were allowed in the waiting room nor in the doctor’s office.

Covid prevented a lot of things from happening. Not even the father was able to be in the ultrasound technician’s room, even when it was time to reveal the gender.

They might not have allowed the recording of videos in their office. 

It may distract the sonographer. The sonographer may miss vital signs of problems in the developing baby.

At the end of the day it is up to the individual hospital to decide if recordings are allowed.

Other family members might have had to wait longer to receive the news because baby showers and gender reveals were out of the question.

These future moms had to absorb all the progress and updates alone. 

Now things have changed for the better. Policies are less strict since this pandemic is coming to an end.

Hospitals are now allowing 2 visitors per day. One visitor can stay overnight if approved by the receiving unit. 

Visitors will be required to show proof of the vaccination card or have a negative covid test.

Visitors must be over the age of 18 years.

Recent Moms have struggled a lot during this pandemic.