The Halo Club, AKA, the “Best Buddies Club” is a new club on campus started by sophomore Bailey Simco. This is her Gold Award project for the Girl Scouts, her way to make a lasting a positive difference in her community. It is still in the planning phase, as of now the meetings mostly consist of icebreakers and introductions within the club.
This club is a charming mesh of two seemingly different activities.
The Halo aspect of the club is mainly a dance club. They will meet to practice dance and might hold activities and showcases in the future. The “best buddies” aspect of the club will consist of members befriending and assisting the students in the special education program at Mesa. The aim of this is to allow students in the special classes access to help and friendship from those in the club.
Community service hours will be available, as well as a safe space to go and a place to make new friends.
The club meets every other Wednesday, and a “remind” code is available to use so you don’t miss any meetings! The club’s Instagram account will also be posting reminders.
Instagram: mesa_halo_bestbuddieclub
Enter this number on the remind app: 81010 Then text this message: @halobe