Water Polo: The Hardest Working Team

When you think of hard sports, the average person would think of football, rugby, lacrosse, and wrestling. 

However, Water Polo is one of the hardest sports out there, between having to swim back and forth in a pool for 30+ minutes, having people hanging on you all game, and having to keep yourself up only by your legs. 

Water Polo has always been one of the top sports at CMHS. The team is Division 2 and has a 10+ year streak of being League Champions. They pride themselves on sportsmanship and great teamwork.

Multiple seniors have even gotten scholarships to big universities due to their contributions on the team. 

The current team captain of the Boys Water Polo team is senior Liam Fairion who has been playing water polo for 8 years.

The coaches of the Water Polo team are Cody and Dustin Serrano, Cody being the coach of the boys team, and Dustin being the coach of the girls team.

Like any other sport at the school, the Water Polo team has had a rivalry with Estancia for over 20 years and has won Battle of the Bell for 12 years straight. They don’t plan for this streak to end any time soon. 

The team starts their day early with a 6:00 AM practice in which they lift weights. 

After school, they have another practice from 1:30 - 5:00, where they swim upwards of 3000 yards.

Think that’s a lot to do in one practice? They’re not even close to being done.

After swimming, they get into endurance, team-work, and ball control training. 

The CMHS Water Polo team is one of or the hardest working teams on this campus with athletes working up to 10 hours a week in the weight room and up to 15 hours a week swimming and refining their skills in the water. 
