There’s a lot that happens before the curtain opens on any theater production. The Costa Mesa High School production of The Crucible is no exception.
Auditions for the CMHS 2019 fall production of The Crucible were held on September 9th and 10th. The shows will be on October 25th, 26th, and 27th.
For six weeks after the auditions, the actors rehearse. Then, at the end of those six weeks, tech week starts.
Tech week begins with tech day, an all day rehearsal going from 11am to 6pm. This is the day when all the scene changes, sound effects, and lights are set.
Every day of the following week there is rehearsal after school from 3:15 to 7:00, Monday through Thursday.
This is the week when everything comes together. The lights, the sound, the sets, the scenes, and the show.
Every piece of the puzzle is practised over and over, every scene change, every sound effect, every light cue, every scene.CMHS drama teacher and director of The Crucible Mrs. Roberts says that the best part of the production was getting to know the students and seeing them grow as actors and, more importantly, as people.