Interview with Mr. McNeil

Mr. McNeil is a teacher here at Costa Mesa High School. He teaches Medical Careers and Health Systems, and AP and regular Sports Medicine. In Sports Med, it's all based on kinesiology, the skeleton, muscle system, and neurology. 


Mr. McNeil likes teaching because he gets to educate the students of today about the possibilities of healthcare in the future and using his knowledge of athletic training into sport medicine.


Mr. McNeil decided to become a teacher out of necessity and opportunity. He was once the athletic trainer here at Costa Mesa. He said that being an athletic trainer in a public high school usually means it’s not full time, so it was a way to supplement income by having two jobs.


Compared to other teachers, he doesn't have a lot of pressure on him to teach a strict curriculum so he can “go by the flow and change things the way I need.” He also mentions the way he is very laid back about teaching since he never really got a formal education as a teacher.


If he had to teach another class he would teach Anatomy and Physiology or “P.E because you get to wear shorts all the time and be outside.” 


Mr. McNeil said in high school he wasn’t a serious student, he didn’t study much because things were easy for him. High school classes bored him until college where he could try different curriculums.