Election Results Are In!

Last Friday, April 23, both middle school and high school ASB held their elections for the student government positions via a google form. All the candidates campaigned for themselves and presented speeches on why people should vote for them.

For the first time, middle schoolers were able to vote for High school ASB President and Vice President.

Since the election, the votes have all been tabulated. The newly elected students can be seen below.

Thank you to all the students who participated in this election and supported our school’s democracy.


Middle School:
President: Caden Oliver

Vice President: Koa Zachary

Secretary: Lilah Rice



President: Rubi Rice

Vice President: Ian Encarnacion

Secretary: Aubrey Spallone


President: Fernando Palacios

Vice President: Madison Tran

Secretary: Sydney Ngo



President: Clarice Encarnacion

Vice President: Itzel Ramirez

Secretary: Natalie Schwarzmann



President: Emiko Grun

Vice President: Jayde Rubright

Secretary: Rigo Ramirez


Overall ASB:

President: Gabby Hayse

Vice President: Kyra Johnson


Congratulations Mustangs!